This is Smartphonestips Disclaimer page. In this page you can find most important information about our website. What and how we do.
It’s most important that How we update mobile phone price. What is the source etc etc. We collect official mobile phone price from official website of the mobile or their Facebook page. Other hand if unofficial smartphone we collect that phone unofficial price from different Facebook pages or websites who sell unofficial mobile.
Sometimes it would be the wrong information. If you found any wrong information please Contact us. We’ll update the price.
Obviously, We collect mobile phone information/ Specifications from official website of that phone. We also do not guarantee that the specifications are 100% accurate.
Reviews/ Overview
The ratings and reviews of individual products are subjected to the research, knowledge, understanding, opinion and experience of the writer. They are mostly based on the general understanding of the specifications, market trends, pricing and user feedback.
Buy & Sell
Note that we don’t sell smartphone. We don’t have any showroom. We just share mobile phone price and specifications.